
How to find a book?

❯ Choose the ‘Books’ section from the left menu bar. 

❯ Here you can see 2 filters which are easy to set. Click ‘Books with activity tips’ for a list of books with printables. Scroll right in the chart and find the ‘Download PDF’ button. This will open a new tab in your browser where you can download, save and print the PDF.  

❯ Use the search options to find a book.Type a keyword and see the list of corresponding results below. Use these filters to narrow the result. 

❯ By clicking on ‘Manage book’ you have two options. Choose ‘Details’ and the book’s profile page will appear where you can find all the information about the book. To get an impression of the story, click ‘Watch preview’ and watch the first 3 pages of the book. 

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